Is Tap Water Good Enough To Wash My Fruit And Vegetables?


Water is one of the most natural materials on the planet. But, the water you drink and use from the tap is not in its natural state.

The simple truth is that water is pure when it falls as rain. But, once it has travelled through the ground, over rocks and along streams it picks up traces of everything it passes over. While some of these things are harmless to humans, others are not.

This is why water treatment plants have been created; to ensure the water which comes out of your tap is safe to drink. This means that it is perfectly safe to use for washing your fruit and vegetables.

Unfortunately, the treatment process adds a number of chemicals to the water supply, such as chlorine, fluorosilicic acid and calcium hydroxide. These are necessary to remove any harmful bacteria.

However, the water still passes through a number of pipes before it reaches your tap; these pipes can add metal, minerals and even some bacteria back into your water.

While the water is clean enough to wash your fruit and vegetables in, you may wish to consider additional filtration before consuming it yourself.

Water Filtration Systems

If you have any doubts regarding the quality of your water then you can have your own filtration system fitted. This may seem extreme but the water board has a huge amount of responsibility and relatively few resources to monitor the water.

This means it is possible for the water to be contaminated and no one to notice it for an extended period of time.

To combat this risk you can view this link and find out more about how filtration systems work.

The Benefits of Water Filtration Systems

Although the tap water is generally considered safe to use for cleaning your fruit and vegetables there are several benefits associated with using a water filtration system:

  • Clean Filtering your water a second time will not remove the positive effects of the treatment works. But it will remove any bacteria picked up between treatment and your tap.
  • Lead There are still any homes with lead pipes which can be transferred into the water and consumed. Excess lead in your body can lead to lead poisoning. A good water filter system can remove the lead for you.
  • Balanced the PH of water should be approximately neutral. This ensures it is beneficial to the processes occurring in the body. Water filtration systems will ensure your water is PH neutral. You can then drink safe in the knowledge that it will not have an adverse affect n your body.

Your water filer is effectively the last line of defense between you and waterborne disease. The fact that it is in your home and controlled by you allows you to feel safe; the water you are drinking will not harm you.

Providing peace of mind is an often underestimated but highly appreciated benefit of using a water filter; you will never need to worry if the water is really clean or not.