Category Archives: Dear diary

7 Proven Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy after 35

7 Proven Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy after 35

Having children is not an easy decision for any woman to make. Some women will be able to decide very early in their lives, others will want to wait until later in life to be sure that it is the right decision for them.

Either way, it is very important for every woman to have a healthy pregnancy. Even though age can make this a little more difficult for some women, there are a lot of ways to ensure a great pregnancy at any age. Here are seven proven tips for a healthy pregnancy after 35.

Seek the help of a professional

Having professional help is essential in many cases when women are trying to conceive for the first time. It is a good idea to go to a Utah center for reproductive medicine and get tested for genetic diseases and other issues that may interfere with a healthy pregnancy.

Get a jumpstart on prenatal care

Before a woman is even pregnant, it is a good idea for them to get ahead of the game with some great prenatal care. This can include just taking a prenatal vitamin regularly or even have preconception counseling with a healthcare professional to make sure a woman is ready for the big step she is undertaking.

Maintain a healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet is important in any stage of life. For women who want to get pregnant, eating healthy will help keep their immune system in check and allow them to give their baby the best start possible once they are pregnant. This is a simple life change that everyone can make for their health.

Avoid stress

Stress is a very common part of everyone’s lives. It is essential for women who are trying to get pregnant to find a way to relieve stress and deal with stress triggers as they happen. This will help regulate a woman’s hormones and help her produce the best results that will lead to conception.

Stay active

It is common for pregnant woman to think that they should remain inactive while they are pregnant to protect the baby. Even though bedrest is prescribed in some cases, most women will find it more beneficial to maintain some level of physical activity while they are carrying their baby.

Learn how to gain weight in a healthy way

Weight gain is an essential part of any pregnancy, but it can be difficult for women to gauge what is healthy weight gain and what is not while they are pregnant. Speaking with a doctor will help anyone confirm what the normal rates are based on their body and learn how to maintain healthy weight gain throughout the pregnancy.

Give it time when trying to conceive

For most women after 35, conceiving can take a little longer than normal. Women older than 35 who have even had children before might find that it can take a little bit longer than it did in the past. Every woman should be patient and give the process some time to work.


Who is Really Conducting a War on Women?

Accusing an individual, group, or political party of conducting a war against women is extremely inflammatory. If such a claim is to be made, it’s important that a full understanding of what is meant by it be carefully examined – particularly if there is any truth to the assertion.

The Allegation Appeared During the 2012 Campaign


Image via Flickr by steevithak

The accusation that there was a war on women by the Republicans was first leveled during the 2012 presidential election. The Democrat’s allegation consisted of two components: Republican’s opposition to abortion on demand for convenience, and mandatory tax-payer funded birth control. Their disapproval of the Republican position led to what most considered over-the-top rhetoric.

Weakness of the Argument

The right of women to kill the unborn should include the point that at least half of those unborn children are female. Couldn’t preventing this atrocity be considered an attempt to stop an actual war on women, since real war results in the taking of life? It’s difficult to see how denying women the “right” to destroy the body of another is an attack on them.

The notion that not paying for another’s birth control is somehow an attack upon a woman, defies reason. Republican’s never attempted to make birth control inaccessible – they merely opposed paying for it.

What an Actual War on Women Looks Like

Aside from taking a woman’s life, there are real forms of outright aggression against women which could be seen as a form of “warfare.”

For example, attempting to prevent women from being educated, pursing an online MBA degree, or forcing them to dress according to a code. But the worst example would be those who sexually prey on women. They would truly be at war against the freedoms and security of womanhood. And those who protect aggressors are in an unholy alliance with such female adversaries.

Accurate Account of a War Against Women

During his time as Governor of Arkansas, and while president of the United States, Bill Clinton was repeatedly accused of exactly the despicable behavior described above. He used his position of power to force sexual encounters with multiple women, and using this same power went on to persecute, slander, intimidate, and where possible, silence these women.

Dolly Kyle, Elizabeth Gracen, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, and finally, Monica Lewinsky all claimed to be victims of Bill Clinton’s sexual predation. In the case of Monica Lewinsky, physical evidence proved the accusation, as did the president’s own confession, (given after he perjured himself). In fact, his behavior led to his eventual impeachment.

Future Presidential Candidate’s War Against Women

Instead of denouncing her husband for his reprehensible conduct, Hillary Clinton helped lead the attempt to malign these women and protect her husband’s reputation.

She helped persecute and discredit them when she appeared on national television calling them liars for falsely accusing her husband. And finally blaming the whole thing on a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” Her defense of his actions only served to implicate her in the only real “war on women” ever conducted by a political party.

A war against any group is incendiary rhetoric. It shouldn’t be used unless the accuser has substantial evidence to support it.


How a retirement home can give you a new lease of life

Retirement homes still have a negative stereotype in that many people believe they‘re lifeless and that they signal a loss of independence. But that’s simply not the case. In fact, if you talk to many people who live in retirement homes, they will tell you that they’ve been given a new lease of life. Here are some reasons why…

The social aspect


Many elderly people spend days on end at home without seeing or speaking to anyone, yet in a retirement home there is always someone to have a chat to. Of course, you can spend time on your own if you so wish, but you’ll never be lonely. There are, of course, all the other residents with which to converse, but then there’s also the various staff and volunteers around the place. And that’s just in between visits from family.

The many activities and facilities on offer


Any retirement home worth its salt will have a plethora of activities on offer to help you get the most out of your time there. There may be some activities you already enjoy, such as gardening, but there’s a good chance that you’ll find plenty of new things to do you haven’t tried before. Brunswick Gardens retirement home, for example, has many different activities and facilities available, including a café, craft room, fitness suite, IT suite, library, woodwork room, beauty salon, and much more. We all know that keeping active in old age is important, so having more things to do is essential.

You get the care you need


This might not sound particularly glamorous but it’s tremendously important. If you’re at home and not receiving the correct level of care then it will naturally impact on your life. However, if you’re receiving the correct level of care, around the clock if needed, then you’ll be much more able to enjoy the various aspects of your life. Despite what you might have read in the press, the vast, vast majority of care homes provide unrivalled care from highly trained professionals who really can make a difference to your care and quality of life. Your family and friends will also be happy to know you’re getting the care you need.

Not ready for retirement living? Try volunteering!


Retirement homes can give a new lease of life to anyone, not just the elderly or those needing round the clock care. It’s also incredibly rewarding for volunteers. If you’re looking for a career in health care of some sort or would just like to do something worthwhile, then volunteering is an excellent option. Not only will you be helping to improve people’s quality of life, but you’ll also be saving the organisation some much-needed money in the process, not to mention how good it’ll look on a potential job application.

If you are after some products to aid with old age, check out Senior Buyers Guide here

When I Grow Up, I Want To Be A Pilot

“When I grow up I want to be a pilot” – these are certainly famous words echoed by children across the world and why would they not want to embark on this glamorous career? Being an airline pilot is exciting and rewarding. The key to embarking on a career as a pilot involves years of dedication and meeting the very specific and tight requirements that are needed. The cost of this career can be huge, so you need to ensure that you have the money to pay for training. Similarly, you need to be prepared to give up around a decade of your life to dedicate your time to training to be a pilot. You need to be serious, committed and ambitious in order to make it as a pilot. It requires a lot of hard work, but can be a rewarding and exciting career for those that seek to make a career out of being a pilot.


Photo is courtesy of the UK Ministry of Defence

A University Degree

Once you have spent four years of your life at an accredited university, you will be making the right steps into becoming a professional pilot. Science degrees are usually required. Aviation degrees are less important. Unless, of course, you are enraptured by the world of aviation and want to learn about it at your chosen institution. A university degree is important to airlines as it demonstrates that you are committed and willing to learn their education program.

Flight Schools

Upon successful completion of your university, and academic, studies, you will then need to find a good flight school and instructor. This enables you to start working towards your private pilot certificate. This certificate is critical for any aspiring young pilot. The FAA minimum flight time is 40 hours. What is more, the FAA provides a highly regimented program for those that want a more intensive mode of study. If you want more information from an expert in the field of aviation, or for more advice on how to get into the industry, contact Rafael Munguia.

Further Training

Upon completion of your private pilot license, you will need to start earning your instrument rating and commercial certificate. No one said that a career in aviation would be easy! You will need to dedicate 250 hours to this.

Flight Experience

Of course, a bucket load of qualifications and certifications does not automatically mean that you will get to fly an aircraft. You will need to gain flight experience, which is highly competitive and difficult to achieve. Once you have landed your placement, you will need to undertake at least 1500 hours of air time before you are allowed to fly a commercial jet. It is imperative that you realise that becoming a pilot does not mean meeting the minimum criteria and required hours. In this highly competitive industry, you will be expected to exceed and surpass any required flight hours. You should aim for at least 5000 hours of air time before applying for any job as a pilot.

Becoming a pilot is incredibly difficult; it requires time, money, resources, ambition and dedication. Only the brave and few become pilots. But, if you have what it takes and you are willing to work hard, there is no reason that you cannot become a pilot when you grow up too.

Have You Wondered How Green Your Home Actually Is?


Have you ever wondered how green and eco-friendly your home actually was?  I, if I’m honest, am always worried that I am perhaps not doing all I should be doing to ensure that my lifestyle and household are as environmentally friendly as possible.  I was pleased then to find that Australian Solar Quotes were running a quiz that aimed to tell you just that, how green or not your home was. Click here to take it, or I have embedded it below for you.

Many of the questions are what you would expect to be featured in this kind of quiz, but there are some surprising questions along the way that made me think about my own practices to keep my home green.  For instance, the first question asks about the type of lightbulbs you have in your home – well, that didn’t make me feel too bad as I swapped to LEDs a long time ago.

The next question though in the quiz threw me a little because it was all about the paint used to decorate.  It was only in the last year or so that I redecorated a large percentage of my house and up until that point I was not aware of all the different types of paints available.  This is why this question threw me with choices of paint with lead-free components, VOC paint and high lead paint components.  I actually had to find an old tin of paint to check.

Like I said, there are some questions that you could guess were included in the quiz.  Obvious ones such as “what kind of energy does your home run on” “What is in your fridge?”(In reference to whether or not you have processed foods, organic and fresh or a mixture), “what kind of cleaning products do you use?” and “how eco-friendly is your garden?”

However, the ones I found really interesting were the ones that asked things such as “let’s be honest, how sustainable is your dishwashing practices?”  I felt quite bad, as my answer was not the best and greenest one from the multiple choice list.  The same could be said for the “where does your main source of water come from?”  I had never actually considered that before, neither had I considered what materials I used to cover my floors.

After I had answered the questions I submitted them and was taken to a page with the percentage (according to their quiz) of how green my house was.  In some ways I was happy that I scored 50%, but it shows that even if I feel I do a lot more to be eco-friendly and environmentally-conscious that a lot of my friends, relatives and neighbours; that there is still so much more I can do.  The results were given with some choice words of advice, which just served as a reminder that when you are trying to make your home greener, it is the little things that count the most – the little things you change.  Whether this is the way you wash dishes or take care of your garden, the results will be that your conscience will be clearer and your home will be greener.

The Top Secret Delights for a Busy Mum Taking a Break


Every Mum in the world knows that the time they have to themselves is incredibly precious. This is why it is always a great idea to have some ideas to hand for any chances you get to do something pleasant. The following are some of my top secret delights.  

Play Some Bingo

I remember that when my Mum used to play bingo it was a huge social event for her. She would get her hair done, look out her best clothes and have a huge smile on her face. I was always interested in seeing what her bingo hall was like but when I finally went once I left a bit disappointed. Thankfully, the option to play some bingo on the internet now lets me enjoy the same sort of fun my Mum had without leaving home.  I probably even spend less money than she did, as I always play free bingo at I haven’t yet enjoyed a big win but for the very little money I have spent it is working out to be an incredibly cheap hobby. I recently started playing on my mobile phone as well, so I can grab a few minutes wherever I am able to get some action.

Watch a DVD

When I lived alone I used to watch films all the time. Once the family came along I had to stop this hobby for a while. Now, I always have one or two DVDs tucked away waiting for the chance to watch them. Just last night I settled down with The Book Thief after everyone else was tucked up in bed. It meant a later night than usual but it was worth it to see a magical movie and have some quality time on my own. If you haven’t had time to watch a DVD in the last few months then you should make the time to do so. It is a perfect way to transport yourself to a different world and forward about the stresses and strains of family life for a while.

Looking at Photos

If there is one thing which might be even better than the other two I’ve already mentioned it is looking at old photos of our family. At the moment, we have a mixture of old printed photos and digital ones. I’ve been scanning the old ones and then putting them all onto a cloud storage site. It really is amazing to look back at these old pictures and see how much the kids have changed in a relatively short period of time. Some of the pictures can instantly transport me back in time just by looking at them. There are some from our first ever family holiday at the seaside and I can almost taste the salt in my mouth and feel the sun on my back when I look at them. Sifting through these priceless images also gives me a wonderful incentive to keep on taking more family snaps in the future.


What to do when your child damages or loses a tooth


As they grow up your little ones will be seeking out more and more adventurous activities. They’ll also start eating foods that haven’t received your seal of approval. Both bring with them an increased risk of damaging or losing teeth. Knowing what to do when this happens could mean the difference between rescuing your child’s tooth or losing it and it could spare a whole lot of unnecessary pain. Below is some advice from the Cuffley Village Dental Practice.

It’s probably the furthest thing on your mind when you’re outdoors having a good time with your family, but as the summer approaches so too does an increased risk of broken and damaged teeth. Spending more time outdoors, participating in adventure activities and crunching down on hard candies and tough foods could all end up in a chipped, broken or knocked-out tooth.

Dental emergencies don’t keep office hours and finding an emergency dentist can take time, even when you are at home. Taking the right actions and doing so swiftly can help you save the tooth or in the least, minimise unnecessary pain.

1. If it’s a milk tooth, it’s probably fine.

Since milk teeth are destined to fall out eventually, if your child has a milk tooth knocked out, it’s not necessary to have the tooth reinserted. So no need to panic. A lost tooth chart is a handy way of tracking tooth loss and will help you work out which teeth are permanent. But do check for facial fractures and bruising. And remember to dispatch the tooth fairy!

2. Preserve a knocked-out permanent tooth. Then get to the dentist. Fast.

If a permanent tooth gets knocked out at the root there is a good chance a dentist can reinsert it-provided you act quickly: Pick up the tooth by the crown. Do not touch the roots. Gently rinse the tooth and if possible, try to place it back in the socket. Get your child to gently bite down on it. If you can’t put the tooth back in their mouth, keep it in a glass of milk. Get hold of a dentist immediately and bring the tooth along. Ice any bruising.

3. A small chip in a permanent tooth is not an emergency.

If your child has lost a small part of their permanent tooth and it doesn’t hurt, you should be able to make a normal dentists appointment and seek dental treatment once you’re at home. A dentist will usually either smooth the tooth down or add some filling. In the meantime, you could use an emery board to file down any jagged edges that might hurt the tongue, lip or mouth.

4. A fractured permanent tooth requires immediate attention. 

A fractured tooth can be extremely painful. When a tooth is cracked, the inside of the tooth is usually damaged and a dentist may be unable to save it. A dentist will need to assess whether the tooth pulp is damaged which would require a root canal treatment. Alternatively, a crown or bridge may be necessary.

While you find an emergency dentist and make your way to their practice, you can protect the sore tooth with gum or some moulded candle wax. Place any broken off fragments in milk.

5. Stay calm.

Whether you’re a child, teen or adult, damaging a tooth can be traumatic. It’s important not to panic and give your child the reassurance that everything is under control: You will get them to an emergency dentist as soon as possible and regardless of the damage, they still have the prospect of a perfect healthy smile ahead of them.

Top 6 Ways to De-stress

How you spend your downtime is vicariously just as important to accomplishing all your jobs and errands as working directly on them. You can’t operate at capacity if you’re not finding time to unwind and replenish properly; excuse the poor analogy but you can’t expect a car to drive long distances without you making stops to fill it with more petrol.


Light Exercise

The simplest and most obvious one I think, but often overlooked to great detriment. Light exercise can consist of something as achievable and relaxed as a long walk- and if not a scenic recreational walk, perhaps in place of a morning commute. A lot of people won’t realize that if they’re not tiring out their bodies then their sleep isn’t the best quality it could be, and that’ll cause untold amount of stress too! If walks aren’t for you then yoga is a well renowned stress-annihilator, for its gentle exercise and even more so for its heavy focus on meditation.



If your bath is like mine then it’s filled with clothes and talcum powder most of the time, in between my bi-monthly baths. But even finding a day a week to sink into the tub, with some candles around, and either a nice book or a bit of relaxing music, will have you noticeably less tightly wound in no time.



I’m not talking about going out to a spa for a professional rub-down (although there really is no parallel for that if you do find time), I simply advocate getting your partner or a truly good friend to crack out the grapeseed oil and knead out those knots of tension from your poor shoulders every once in a while. To be honest even administering a massage alleviates stress itself, so maybe you can take it in turns, everyone’s a winner!



If you can identify specific causes of stress in your life, like smoking or anger issues, then professional hypnotherapy could be the route for you. Expert hypnosis can not only aid in getting rid of behaviours you’d be better off without, but can change your outlook on worrisome situations, and even just deal directly with removing feelings of stress. And with some of the better clinics now starting to offer webcam therapy sessions, it’s a no-brainer.



You can’t have failed to notice that the right music has a massive impact on your mood but, even knowing that, some people still don’t find a moment to just kick back and listen to their favourite album. Have a sing along, have a dance, you’ll be amazed just how cathartic it can be.



How do you expect to relax when you’re constantly the victim of a barrage of bleeps and buzzes? Instantly accessible by everyone, anytime. Don’t you remember a time before mobile phones? Before the internet? It was okay right? Nobody mithering you. Whichever of the preceding 5 you choose to combat your stress with, their effectivity is going to increase tenfold if you just fall off the radar for a couple of hours. Phone on silent (or off altogether), no tablet or device, computer or laptop, don’t even turn on the TV. Serene silence. Heaven.

Do you have Grey Hair? Don’t panic, here’s why…..

Grey Hair article

It is a common conception that Grey hair is considered unflattering, can make women look older and give the impression of ‘I don’t care attitude towards her appearance’. For women, greying hair often occurs when they are undergoing significant physical changes, such as the menopause; therefore the need to cover the grey hairs becomes a very emotive issue.  However, anyone can start going grey at a relatively young age but usually grey hairs begin appearing in your mid 20’s developing throughout the next years so that in your 40’s you may have the inclination to cover your grey hair.

It is best to start covering grey hairs as soon as possible so you can’t be tempted to pull a single grey hair out! By succumbing to the urge of pulling out the grey hairs you can traumatise your roots which will either encourage courser and thicker hair to grow or no hair to grow. It is a myth that pulling out one grey hair causes two new ones to grow in its place, however, traumatic alopecia (baldness) is a very common issue that can occur due to the root trauma.

Grey hair naturally has a different texture to non-grey hairs, which makes colouring and styling harder. However, it can be done successfully. One way to hide your greying hair is to style your hair differently to cover the grey hair at your temples, which will create a more flattering look. Don’t be afraid to experiment with a textured fringe or sides just because you have always worn your hair up and away from your face.

If you are inclined to colour your grey hair do you go to a salon or home? Millions of women have had success with colouring their hair at home. Here are 6 golden rules for home colouring:

  • No Peroxide. If you don’t want to damage your hair at all then steer clear of hair colouring products that contain peroxide. Although peroxide is an effective hair lightener it is harmful for your hair. Daniel Field hair colour is the only non-peroxide, non-ammonia permanent hair colour for greying hair.
  • If a hair colouring product containing peroxide claims it has “special conditioners and benefits” you should take it with a pinch of salt. The cosmetic shine created by these colourants is only cosmetic – the shine lasts up to 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks you are left with (to some degree) structurally damaged hair.
  • Don’t go too dark! Be aware that as you get older your skin gets paler – so choose hair colour shades that are no more than one shade darker than your natural hair colour.
  • Be subtle. The idea of colouring your grey hair is to ensure that no one notices, so be subtle with your colouring and stick to shades as close to your natural hair colour base as possible.
  • Grey hair only suits women who have the correct combination skin tone (neutral skin) and eye colouring (grey/blue) and look good in blues, lilacs, greys and pinks.

Choose appropriately to your budget. Full head colouring gets more expensive the more your chosen hair colour is from your natural hair colour. If you have 100% grey hair coverage, the darker the hair colour you choose the greater the re-growth. Also if your hair is still quite brown and you want to go lighter than this will be very high maintenance! If you are a busy person, on a budget or travel a lot than it is advised for you to stick to your natural colour.

Article written by Daniel Field Mail Order – we are passionate about our natural hair products, suitable for vegans, all designed and created by professional hairdresser, Daniel Field. Our natural hair colours are free from ammonia, peroxide, alcohol and PPDs.

3 Easy Nail Art Styles You Can Do At Home


Nail Art is a growing trend and a fabulous way to add flair to your nails. Nail art is great for special occasions and you can match your nail art to your outfit! While nail art shops are sprouting up everywhere, many clever ladies are doing their own nail art at home. Learning to do your own nail art will save money and it’s a fun thing to do with friends.While complex nail art is probably best left to professional nail artists, there are lots of simple designs you can do at home. Here are a few ideas.

Prepare Your Nails

Before you begin you will need to prepare your nails. Remove the remnants of any old nail polish thoroughly. Like any work of art you need to start with a clean canvas. Try and use nail polish remover without acetone as it is less harmful to your nails. If you have a fungal infections ain any of your nails, this should be treated before first. Excilor is a highly effective remedy.Next step is to make sure your nails are in good shape. Trim and file to get rid of any snags or uneven surfaces. Keep as much length on your nails as possible so you have maximum space to work with.

Apply a Base Coat

Apply a clear base coat to your nails. Make sure this is completely dry before proceeding. A base coat will protect your nails from being stained by bright polishes and it will also help the next layer of polish last longer.

Glitter Nails

Glitter nails are the trend right now and are easy to create. You will need black nail polish, clear polish and loose powder glitter – glitter eye shadow will work. After your base coat apply a coat of black nail polish. This will act as a stunning background colour to show the glitter off to great effect. When the black layer is fully dry, dip your clear nail brush into the glitter and apply to your nails. Start at the centre and move to the tips. Allow the glitter coat to dry well and then apply a top coat for protection.

Half Moon Glitter

To create half-moon glitter nails you will need red nail polish, silver glitter (or glitter eye shadow) and clear polish. Apply a coat of red polish over your base coat and allow it to dry fully. Dip the clear polish brush into the silver glitter and apply from your cuticle to the centre of your nail creating an uneven glitter half-moon. It’s that simple! Finish off with a top coat.

The Glitter Sandwich

For this design you will need clear polish as well as glitter polish and a fast drying top and base coat. Apply a coat of sheer polish over your base. Allow to dry. Then add a layer of glitter polish, repeat clear and glitter coats. Finish with a layer of clear polish followed by your top coat.