Category Archives: Pets

Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy a Ragdoll Cat

We’re not going to lie to you, we are a little biased. We love ragdoll cats. They are big and beautiful balls of fluff and fur and love to be loved. However, we have really tried to think of reasons why you should not buy a ragdoll cat. Here goes.

They Are Simply Too Beautiful, We Don’t Know What To Do

Ragdolls, especially when they are just kittens, are just the most adorable things you could ever hope to see. Take a look at any of the many thousands and thousands of cat blogs out there at “ragdoll kittens” and you will see what we mean. We think it might be a hard life trying to live under the same roof as something so devastatingly beautiful.

It’s Not All Downhill From There

If you are hoping that you could survive the kitten stage knowing that your cat will turn into one ugly furball when they are an adult, you might be in for a shock. Buddy, they just become all the more beautiful. Their fluff gets fluffier, there is more of them to go around. You will turn into one of the millions of annoying cat owners and lovers already on the internet by taking lots of ‘grams of your adorable ragdoll. How will you get any work done?

They Shed Their Fur

We got slightly sidetracked there, didn’t we? You could argue if you wanted to argue about such ridiculous things, that rather than giving you reasons for not getting a ragdoll, we gave you compelling reasons for getting one. We’re back on it now, though. Ragdolls are terribly bad for shedding fur.

That may make them a big no-no if you have any problems with allergies. On a very serious note, it is best to check whether you are likely to be allergic to them or not before you get one because it can be absolutely heartbreaking to have to give away your cat. After all, it gives you an unattractive and uncomfortable runny nose and other side effects.

They Are Timewasters

They really are! As we said, they love cuddles. If you are not spending too much time being bewitched by their beauty, you will be spending the rest of the time cuddling them. And boy, they are needy – there is no letup or “alone time” that you may get with another, more aloof and standoffish breed of cat. Nope, not with ragdolls. They are cuddle sluts and proud.

You Could Rescue One

Okay, joking aside, if you are interested in owning a ragdoll cat, we’re quite envious of you already. They are spectacular cats. However, rather than buying from a breeder for an exceptionally high price, why not consider giving a home to a poor and lonesome ragdoll stuck in your local cat/pet rescue center?

When you adopt a cat, you not only get the benefit of knowing you have a lovely new member of your family but are helping give an abandoned feline a chance for some happiness.

Factoring Pest Prevention into Your Weekly Clean

Pests tend to thrive when the weather is warmer. Hence, you may have a few unwanted guests in your home or garden every week. They will be rummaging around for food and water and possibly looking for some shade as well.

Common pests found in the house include ants, termites, as well the stingers such as bees and wasps. Rodents such as mice, rats, raccoons and bats can also be a problem. You can prevent them from getting too comfortable by including a few basic tasks in your weekly cleaning.

We asked Diamond Pest Control for some expert advice on the best weekly pest control options. Here are a few of the pointers they gave about your weekly cleaning and pest control.

1.    Check Your Home for Easy Access Points for Pests

Points, where utility pipes enter your house, can admit pets especially insects such as wasps and roaches. Use silicone-based caulk to close up any crevices and small cracks. Steel wool is good for stopping larger gaps. Pests are unlikely to work through the steel wool to get in.

Termites are easy to detect as they leave a trail of mud tubes behind them. If your softwood sounds hollow when you tap and the paint is cracked and bubbling, termites are the culprits. Also, ensure there is no rotting wood especially around roof shingles.

Check the landscaping as you clean the outside and ensure the grass is cut low. Shrubbery and branches should not be nudging the windows or walls. Prevent leaves and other vegetation from collecting in the gutters. That can be home to quite a few pests.

2.    Weekly Vacuuming is Essential

There some chores that you must do daily such as disposing of garbage keeping the kitchen clean. Give your house a thorough vacuum at least once every week. If you have pets, seal their food in plastic containers.

Have the pets checked regularly for fleas and other vermin. Also, ask your vet for advice on remedies for preventing ticks and fleas.

3.    Dehumidify Your Attics and Basements

Inspect under sinks for damp areas and repair all leaking pipes. Areas such as basements, attics and crawl spaces could use regular dehumidifying. Check these areas out every week as you give your home the weekly do-over.

Keeping your home clean may help to keep many of the common household pests away. However, it is important to check the hidden corners as you do your weekly cleaning. Some of the chores mentioned may not be performed daily but you can factor them in once a week.


Pests are not just annoying. They may make you ill or cause structural damage that would cost a small fortune to repair. Additionally, they can be a challenge to get rid of once they get in. The best remedy is to consult with pest professionals to eliminate the pests.

They will not only eradicate the problem but also advise you on how to keep your home pest-free. Pest professionals will also assess the extent of the problem and prescribe effective measures to solve it. Ultimately, prevention is always better than cure.



5 Essential Products Every Cat Owner Should Have

Are you a cat lover? There is one fact of life that every cat lover must know; who is the boss. Cats can be indifferent and bossy, but they do bring a unique type of playfulness and companionship to their subjects😊 -you. If you want to make your furry friend happy and remotely interested in your company, you need to show them that you have what they need.

With that in mind, every cat owner should have these five products around at all times:

1.   A Fancy Scratching Pad or Mat

No one knows why cats tend to get into a scratching frenzy at random times. They mostly do it when they are excited or made a new friend, or to mark their territory. To be honest, sometimes it might feel like they do it just for lols. Whichever the reason, the last thing you want is your cat to scratch the threads out of your fancy sofas or fancy carpets.

Why not get your cat a fancy scratching pad or a fancy scratching post instead? With a bit of training scolding and pleading, your cat will be enjoying this weird pastime on the fancy scratching pad or post. There are plenty of videos and guides out there on how to get them to scratch the pad or post when they feel like doing it.

2.   Cat Health- A Cat/Pet Scale and Thermometer

Ok, bosses aren’t meant to get all sickly and thin, but they do get sick, maybe once or twice; give or take. A big percentage of potentially fatal cat ailments can be caught early if you have a pet scale and thermometer on hand.

It might be a hassle to get them on the scale or check their temperature but do it as often as possible, especially if they like sneaking out. Any sudden temperature spikes or weight loss could be a sign of things going wrong and an impending visit to the vet.

At the same time, cats tend to overeat and get too fat to walk or enjoy being cats, so weight gains should be monitored and controlled through food rationing. Hey, check out floppy cats they have loads of cool products, find the best cat products there!

3.   Inconspicuous Litter Box Aka Private Cat Loo

Unlike dogs and other domestics animals, cats love to do their business in private away from prying eyes of onlookers. Understandable, given than bosses generally value their privacy more than anything. If your cat isn’t among the weird ones that pee and defecate in a normal loo, a litter box is an absolute necessity.

However, it’s not the presence of a litter box that matters but where you position it. Ensure you keep it in a dark corner, preferably where your furry friend likes to hide when he wants some me time. In fact, you should know that things are not good with your cat if it does its business in the open like a doggy.

4.   Chill Spot and Playground

It is said that cats have no business being awake if they are not hungry or playing. To make your cat happier and more comfortable, you’ll need to create a cozy chill spot (like a cardboard box) where it can sleep and someplace to play. Preferably, the chill spot should be positioned in an elevated space and have a snug fit with a tiny opening.

5.   A Fur Comb

Cats tend to shed their fur over short periods as they climb around, lick their paws and squeeze into their chill spots. To avoid the fur getting into your seats, carpets and other household items, a fur comb should always be on hand. Use it to comb the cat from time to time and remove any loose fur that might fall off.

In conclusion, cats are awesome and quite fun to be around if well-taken care of. Having these and other essential products on hand could improve your cat’s life and how it behaves around you. As the great Jim Davis once said, “cats rule the world”!

3 Reasons Why A Lab Makes An Amazing Family Pet


Now that you and the kids are ready to add a four-legged creature to your family, it’s time to think about breeds. Between chihuahuas, hounds, and poodles, there are a lot of options, but no breed matches the Labrador Retriever. As the most popular dog in the US, they’re a common addition to homes all over the country. This kind, smart, and lovable breed hits all the buttons when it comes to your fur baby. Here are just five reasons why your family should adopt a Lab.

They’re great with kids and other dogs

With small children in the house, you can’t afford to take in a volatile breed. A Lab is known for being patient, gentle, and kind, making it perfect for those families with children or other pets in the home. They’re a fun-loving breed that clearly sees family members as part of their pack, and they’ll do whatever it takes to protect those they consider theirs. They also know how to shake loose, often turning a little silly when they’re having fun. They’re a great addition to playtime, often matching your kids’ enthusiasm.

They’re easily groomed

Your kids are focused on how the dog will join them on adventures. Your priorities lie elsewhere: namely how much mess they’ll add to the household. Few breeds can claim they don’t shed, so don’t let anyone dupe you by claiming Labs won’t leave behind some fur. They will. Luckily, they only tend to lose a lot of their short double coat during the summer months — hopefully, a time they spend outdoors with your kids. Since they have short hair, they don’t require a lot of grooming like other breeds. A simple bath when they’re feeling grimy is as complicated as it gets. Regular brushing will also limit the mess.

They’re easily trained

Though not as clever as a herding breed, Labs aren’t dumb by any means. The Labrador is one of the most popular breeds acting as service dogs, amounting to roughly 70 percent of all dog guides in America. They can be quite clever when given the time and attention they need to learn. You can enroll them in training camps by checking out your local pet store. Or, if you’re feeling lucky, you can check out online guides or head to your local library for dog training books.

With so many reasons why you should add a Lab to your growing family, it’s easy to jump right in and adopt your very first pet. But before you surprise everyone with a furry family member, you need to think about the practical side of having a pet.

Make a budget

After paying for Fido’s adoption fees, all the other pet accoutrements don’t seem too expensive. But don’t underestimate how quickly food, toys, and grooming products add up. Before you know it, your newest member of the family can be the costliest one. Making a budget is a great way to realize how much you can afford to spoiling your furry friend. Sit down with a pen and paper to tally your income and compare it to your expenses. This exercise lets you know how much leftover cash you have to spend.

Start an emergency fund

Though Labs are considered a healthy breed with few medical concerns, they will have to go to the vet every once in awhile. Knowing this, you should put away a small amount of cash each week into a dedicated emergency fund for your dog. Something as small as $10 each week is a great way to start this fund.  It will take a while to grow, but even the most modest contributions will eventually mature into something that can help pay for a round of antibiotics or a necessary blood panel. If Fido ends up needing care early on in his time with your family, you can use loans to your benefit and supplement your emergency fund that way. When you look for these cash loans online, you can get the cash you need in as little as one business day, making it an ideal form of assistance when your vet bill needs immediate payment.

Take a moment to consider what you need to do to provide the best care for your pet. When your family can meet all your dog’s needs, Fido can start meeting yours. Add a happy Labrador Retriever to the home and welcome a loyal, fun-loving four-legged friend to the family. They’re the perfect breed for young families.

Best Gifts for a Miniature Schnauzer Owner

Dogs make wonderful pets and companions, and each and every one of us has a favourite breed that we enjoy the most. For many people, bigger dogs make the best friends: the likes of German Shepherds and Labradors are wonderful family pets, but they do take a lot of looking after!

For others, it’s the smaller breeds that make more sense, especially in homes where there is limited space. Cute, miniature dogs are wonderful to have around the home, and who can resist the glorious cheeky face of a Miniature Schnauzer?

Friendly, charming and a great friend for everyone in the family, these little and lively dogs are a truly wonderful pet. The problem is this: what can you buy as a gift for your Miniature Schnauzer-owning friend? The answer is there are many gift ideas out there – you just have to look a little bit deeper for some ideas!

Let’s have a look at why these lovely dogs are a great choice, and what you can buy as a gift for your friend.

Some Great Gift Ideas

So, you’re looking for gifts for your Miniature Schnauzer-owner friend? There’s plenty of choice, and some very simple ideas among them too. You might think first of all of a photo frame, into which you can put a favourite photo of the dog; this one always goes down well, as pet owners do like to keep pictures of their pets.

Or perhaps you could choose from one of the many examples of fridge magnets – popular with lots of people – and we have seen some excellent miniature schnauzer versions! We also found mugs, a great and practical idea that will certainly be used, plus a great choice of small schnauzer toys for all ages. These are not expensive, are great fun, and will certainly bring a smile to your dog-owning friend’s face.

We found everything from wall plaques to cushions, clocks and calendars, and even keyrings and more small and inexpensive items that would make a great gift for your dog loving friends, and it’s worth looking for the most original ideas – and none of them will break the bank!

Choosing Carefully

If you’re looking for a great tip for buying gifts, check out what your friend already has next time you are at their house. You might see they already have some of the things we have mentioned, so you can choose something different. There are plenty of original gift ideas for dog lovers out there, and you will be able to find something that costs very little and yet will be appreciated by your friend.

Check out the many ideas and reviews on the website we linked to and you’ll find some really great ideas, and all at sensible prices, plus plenty more that may interest your dog-owning friends. Your gift will be one that goes down very well, as everyone knows that for dog owners, the dog is the biggest thing in their life!

4 Things You Should Take into Consideration Before You Adopt a Pet

Adopting is not only a great way to give a pet in need a second chance, it’s also the only way many families can get a new pet when they can’t afford to buy a pedigree puppy. While adopting a pet can be a great thing, it’s also a big commitment. You also have to understand that adopting a dog is not exactly like buying a dog and raising it and you’ll have to make some adjustments. Here are some of the things you’ll have to take into consideration before you adopt a pet.


If you’re going to adopt a pup, you have to know how big it’ll be once it grows to adulthood. Big dogs need more space, and this could be a recipe for disaster if you live in a small apartment or you don’t have sufficient yard space. If you have limited space, go for a smaller dog breed that does well in secluded areas, like a Basenji or a Bichon Frise.

Be Prepared to Commit

You also have to be prepared to make a commitment to this dog who, in many cases, may have been neglected in the past. They might be difficult at first, but you have to take the time to let them adapt to their new environment. This could be a great time to retrain them if they haven’t been trained properly or at all. Sites like can teach you several training techniques you can use on adopted dogs that will work fast on any type of dog.

Check if Your Neighborhood is Dog-Friendly

Not only does your house have to be dog-friendly, but your neighborhood as well. If you don’t live in a neighborhood with plenty of green space for your dog to exercise, you might end up with a very sad puppy on your hands. Make sure you also understand the laws in your area; certain breeds might not be allowed or there might be some important municipal laws that you should be aware of.

You should also check which types of dogs are in the neighborhood; you don’t want to have to go to war every time you go to the dog park. You should also make sure that you’re close to a vet clinic in case of emergency.

Make Sure You Pick a Dog that Fits Your Lifestyle

You should never pick a dog that can’t keep up with you or you can’t up with. If you have a low energy lifestyle, then you might have issues with your dog. He might grow restless, destructive or develop behavioral issues.

You might also get disappointed if the dog you pick doesn’t enjoy the great outdoors as much as you do if you were looking for a partner for your morning jogs. Make sure that you do your research and ask about the dog’s temperament before you pick one.


Adopting a dog is one of the best gifts you can make to a pet in need. But it’s also a huge responsibility, so make sure that you know exactly what you’re signing up for before you make a decision.

Reasons Why A Cockapoo Makes A Great Family Dog 

When you are looking for a family dog, it is important to take into consideration the needs of all the family.  If your family is busy with school, work and other commitments it is crucial that you don’t take on a dog that you can’t look after properly and give the necessary amount of stimulation and exercise.

With the above in mind, and if you do have a busy family but want an additional member that will give you lots of joy and happiness, you should speak to local Cockapoo breeders about the possibility of getting yourself one of these dogs.

Why should you choose a cockapoo?  Here are just some of our favourite reasons why.

Incredibly Cute

Although it is definitely not wise to just choose a dog breed based on looks, it is something that you will undoubtedly factor into your decision.  Cockapoos are the perfect mixture of the breeds they come from – Cocker Spaniels and Poodles.  The nice thing is that even full-grown adult cockapoos look just as cute as puppies.


There is nothing worse than trying to find a nice addition to your family, only to discover the dog you have chosen does not get on with your partner or your children.  With a cockapoo, there is no chance of this happening as they are a particularly friendly breed that loves to make new friends with humans and animals.

Less Likely To Cause Problems With Allergies

Often you will read about cockapoos being referred to as hypo-allergenic.  While this is an exaggeration, it is still true that cockapoos are less likely compared to other breeds to cause problems if you or someone in your family suffers from allergies.

This is largely thanks to the fact they don’t shed much at all, which means that the dead skin cells that usually cause allergies don’t tend to come into contact with people in your household.

They Don’t Require As Many Exercises As Other Breeds

Some dog breeds require a lot of exercise and stimulation.  Many require a full scheduled exercise regime.  Cockapoos are not one of those types of dog breeds.  While it is recommended that you still take them out at least two times a day, they do not require for their health and well-being (both physical and mental) to be walked until they drop.

This makes them ideal for families as you may be busy throughout the week with work and school commitments.

They Love Fun And Play

Almost contrasting in some ways to the point above, cockapoos are by no means lazy dogs.  They love to have fun and play with people and other animals.  You will find that your cockapoo will be as active as you need or want them to be and will appreciate any time you spend with them – rolling on the grass, swimming or just running around.

The right dog for you and your family, obviously depends on your own circumstances and lifestyle.  However, based on the list above, we are sure you will agree that a cockapoo would be an excellent addition to the family.

More Than One Pet – The Pros And Cons

If you’re thinking about getting a second or even a third pet soon, you may already be weighing up the pros and cons. Having more than one child is a perfectly normal thing to consider. So is having more than one pet any different? There are lots of reasons for and against growing your family this way. Here are some of my thoughts:


Having a second pet means your first pet has a playmate and companion. Let’s face it, we can’t be at home to keep them company all day every day. It could also take the pressure off you having to keep your pet entertained! They will find games to play with each other, and will often enjoy sleeping together all cuddled up. How cute!


Flickr provided the pic

Another pet in the house can also offer you a little more security. There’s another pair of ears ready to listen out for potential intruders or dangers in the home. Two pets together can also keep each other a little more active so they may be less likely to become overweight. Install a pet cam and you may be able to enjoy hours of footage to entertain you as they play together too.

If you have a dog that is prone to bark when you are out, a second dog may help keep them calmer in your absence. And two cats together can offer each other the affection and grooming they so desperately need. If you have two kids, each of them can take care of one of the pets, offering greater opportunities for learning and responsibility.


A second pet doubles the cost of everything. You will need extra food, extra toys, and a second veterinary plan. You’ll need additional flea treatment for cats and dogs. There will be double the vaccinations and twice the treats needed. While you may only be walking them as often as you did before, you will need twice as much attention to where they’re running off to!

There is a chance they just won’t get on with each other. After all, we don’t like everybody we have to spend time with! If they’re not good friends, your home life can become quite unpleasant. You may find they have spats or fights with each other. This could result in breakages of your home items, or even injuries between the pets.


Flickr provided the pic

When you take on another pet, you’ll need to buy new collars, leads, food bowls and beds. Children, of course, can have the hand-me-downs from their older sibling! It’s easy to misjudge how much space you’ll need in the home for another pet too. You may need to make your home bigger as it grows! Perhaps the biggest problem you’ll face at first is getting to know your new pet. Everyone needs time to get used to each other, so it may be a difficult transition.

We all love our pets, and who doesn’t love a cuddle with someone furry? But getting a second pet shouldn’t be a decision you make on a whim. There is a lot to consider. Enjoy your new pet!