Dating is a complicated process most of the time, but one thing that can make it more complicated is trying to date as a single parent. The addition of a child and their needs and feelings can any potential for romance harder to navigate. That doesn’t mean you are destined to never find love again, though.
In the following post we are going to discuss some great tips that will help you have success when using single parent dating sites and other methods of finding love in these modern times.
Complete Honesty
There is no point trying to hide the fact you have children from a previous relationship. It’s best, for you, your child and the person you’re interested in, that you get it out in the open as soon as possible. Although there is stigma attached to being a single parent, it is a good way to discover timewasters early on and people will genuinely appreciate the honesty.
Don’t Try to Be Anyone Else
There is a temptation when you are just started dating again to try and be someone you are not. You might do it so you can hide yourself from the other person or because you want to be a people pleaser. However, it won’t ever get you what you want. It’s much better to be the person you really are. For better or worse, that is you. Warts and all and if someone agree to meet you based on that, keep that in mind.
Enjoy Yourself
No one said it was going to be easy, but part of the process of finding a new partner and potential soulmate is that it’s enjoyable. You are looking to bring something nice and positive into your life, so don’t let the nerves eat away at you so you can’t find the joy in it.
Don’t Shy Away From Talking About Your Children
Another thing single parents often try to avoid doing is talking about their kids on their formative dates with a person. The thought process behind it is that they are scared they will bore the other person to tears. Remember, though, your children are a big part of your life and if the other person is interested in learning more about you, they need to accept that.
Avoid the Guilt
Guilt is something you are going to face. When you are a single parent, every waking moment, even more so than parents with shared responsibility over children, seems to revolve around them. It can be hard when you first take that time out for yourself. It is essential as a parent that you do that from time to time to unwind and not talk about the kind of thins you discuss with your kids on the daily.
Be Patient
You need to learn as much as you can about the other person, especially if you are going to consider taking them into not just your life, but your kid’s life too. However, not everyone is ready to rush into things or Is ready to open as quickly as you might be.