Monthly Archives: April 2014

The Amasing Benefits Of Allowing Your Child To Own A Pet

I’m sure that when most people think back, they can remember a childhood pet. Whether it was a dog, cat, rabbit, or stick insect, that little critter had a place in our hearts. Children seem to have a natural empathy with their pets, and, especially in the case of dogs, the pets reciprocate.



Nowadays, owning a pet is more complicated than it was years ago. Dogs back then were allowed to roam the streets, so the hardest thing some owners ever did was to open the front door. Also, if someone was scratched by a cat or nipped by a dog, they never considered running to lawyers in an attempt to prosecute, and gain as much compensation as they could get away with (I am, of course, only referring to very minor injuries). There is also the cost of modern treatments to consider. In the age of the internet, we have access to online pet prescriptions which have helped keep the cost down. But the pet’s healthcare can be expensive nonetheless.

Owning a pet does have benefits to a family with children, here are a few reasons why.


Children learn by having some responsibility for the pet. Yes, it comes naturally for the first couple of weeks before the novelty wears off. The cuter the pet, the more eager the kids are to please, and play with it. A little puppy, for example, is far better than a little brother or sister in a child’s eyes. They will take good care of the pet for the first two or three weeks until they become familiar with it, then little jobs will slip. It’s not good to be hard on the kids, their behavior is quite normal. Before you buy the pet you should be aware that the ultimate responsibility for its welfare is yours. Just a little reminder every now and then that the hamster needs feeding or the dog needs brushing is all they need.


A puppy, if that is your choice, will provide companionship for a child, even when they are tired and are a bit fed up it tugging at their socks. Think back to your favourite pet; it was a good feeling. If a pet is introduced to the family when the child is at a young age, it we be as much a member of the family, in that child’s eyes, as anyone else is.


If the family pet is a dog, everyone can benefit from the daily walks. Yes, soon enough you will be arguing over who took it out last, and whose turn it is now, but everyone will get a little more exercise in the long run.


The biggest drawback with owning a pet, is their lifespan. Most are considerably shorter than ours, therefore, at some point, heartbreak is virtually assured. The time will come when a grave will need to be dug in the garden for the little hamster, or maybe the goldfish will be flushed to a watery grave. Even this experience has benefits. The child will learn that nothing lives forever. It also gives them a chance to get a new pet. Yes, the grieving will be over quite quickly and a visit to the pet shop will ensue.

There are few drawbacks to a child owning a pet of their own. Vicious dogs are obviously a bad choice for a family pet, but a little hamster, a mongrel puppy, or a fluffy kitten can only be good for a child’s happiness. Get a pet today, you are just as excited as the little ones really.


A Guide to Putting Together Your Very Own Family Tree

If you’re thinking of putting together your very own family tree, you need to be prepared to put in a lot of work. You’ll need to dig through a plethora of records, scan cemeteries, and comb through other resources to go back generations and generations. You’ll then no doubt have bits of paper all over the place, and feel as if you can’t make sense of the chaos. Unfortunately, I can’t help you with the research part – that’s up to you! However, I can help you get organised so you can build your family tree right down to your very own children. Let’s get started:


Image Credit: Flickr

Software Options

Family tree software is used by many professionals and can help to organise everything you’ve discovered so far. You can easily attach information this way, as well as many other things that would be difficult to do manually. Some are free, and some you’ll need to pay for to get the features you want. Just a few I like best are and RootsMagic.

Get Your Child Excited

All kids love a good story and they’ll be fascinated with a story that ends in them being born. You can tell them all kinds of stories, from how their ancestors came to live in the country, to where you and their dad had your first date. Make sure you include as much information as possible – for example, if Nan hadn’t have got the job at that doughnut factory, she never would have met your Grandad.

Don’t Worry

You don’t need to go back umpteen generations to make it exciting for your child. Start with any information you do have, and don’t panic about not knowing who your child’s great aunt twice removed married. You could possibly create a family tree in one afternoon, depending on how detailed you are about the whole thing! You can use supplies like index cards, poster boards, pens, pencils, and markers. You could try making an index card for each person you plan on including in your family tree. Write down their name, date of birth, and date of death if you know it. You can then include any other information you know about that person. Make a card for the important event that links two people too!

If you decide to go into a lot of detail with the family tree, then it’s obviously going to take you a lot longer than one afternoon. One big advantage of this is that you might actually find out about family you never knew you had! For example, you might find a long lost cousin from Canada that you’d love to get in touch with. You can then make cheaper calls to Canada by visiting You’re sure to have loads of fun and learn some things about yourself along the way!

Put it Together

To easily put the tree together, start with your child at the bottom and then work your way up. Work backwards like that until your tree is complete! Make sure you get your child involved in the process so they learn about their heritage.

You can then display your tree proudly in your home!


Why Do Your Children Need To Eat Meat As They Grow?

Some children refuse to eat meat from a very young age, and this generally has nothing to do with vegetarianism. You see; while you can’t force someone with a moral stand against meat to eat it, your children need to consume flesh and muscle for some very good reasons. This is explained in almost every guide to bringing up kids ever written, so even if you are a non-meat eater yourself, passing the view onto your children isn’t going to help them out. You need to wait until they’re old enough to look at the situation rationally and make up their own mind. Don’t worry about them making the wrong decision, as they’ll spend a lot of time learning about the food industry at school, so they should have a pretty accurate understanding of the situation by their early teens.


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Considering all this, today I’m going to highlight a number of reasons why beef wellington, chicken casserole, and just about every other kind of meat dish is incredibly important for the little ones in your household. You have to remember that humans have been consuming animal products for thousands of years, so our bodies have evolved to require this sustenance. While they can live a long and happy life without meat products, it’s best to play it safe and encourage them, at least until their teenage years. I used to be a bit of a vegetarian myself, but then I started drinking at the age of eighteen, and I found it almost impossible to resist greasy bacon sandwiches on Saturday mornings. Still, you know what that’s like, right?

Meat Is Incredibly Nutritious

Vegetables may well contain a lot of nutrients kids need, but so does meat, beef in particular. When you’re young, your body needs all this extra nutrition to ensure your bones grow properly, and there have been a number of cases throughout the years where children who don’t eat meat have suffered from diseases and terrible health problems that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. You want your children to be as healthy as possible, as problems like this can seriously hinder their progression through life. If they spend a lot of time in hospital or at the doctors, they won’t get to socialise so much, and this is a key element to their growth into adulthood. So, ensuring they eat meat at least once or twice each week can have a huge impact on their whole existence.

Meat Doesn’t Increase The Chances Of Heart Disease Or Diabetes

There are a lot of lies and misconceptions surrounding meat products, but contrary to popular belief, medical professionals have proven time and time again that meat doesn’t negatively affect either the heart, or your blood-sugar rate when consumed in moderation. This is the same for children, so don’t listen to the scaremongering and cook them something substantial for dinner this weekend. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand the arguments vegetarians have, and I also feel a little queasy when thinking about how the meat ended up on my plate, but sometimes you just have to overlook certain things to ensure your children stay fit and healthy. While there are a number of studies that show eating vegetables all the time can improve your health, there isn’t a single shred of evidence to suggest meat can cause any of the conditions people claim.

Meat Contains High Levels Of Protein

Children need lots of protein to ensure they grow up to be healthy young adults, and meat is one of the best sources for this in the world. The proteins in meat are naturally occurring, and so they’re much better for the human body than artificial alternatives. Also, meat contains essential amino acids that aren’t found in too many other foodstuffs. Protein provides a source of energy, but it’s also important for strong bones. The last thing anyone wants is for their children to suffer from is weak or brittle bones. Although there are a number of different medications that can deal with the issue a little, having a condition like this will seriously affect them for their entire life, and could result in constant injuries or even an untimely death.

There Are No Proven Health Benefits To Avoiding Meat

Again, try not to listen too much to the campaigners, as your doctor will happily tell you the truth about meat. After years of testing and numerous studies, there has not been one single recorded health benefit of avoiding flesh and muscle. None of us like the way in which these animals are kept, but that doesn’t mean we should throw lies around to scare people. Everyone needs to look at the facts, not the hearsay. As I said a moment ago, there is some evidence that suggests vegetarians tend to live longer, but not if they avoid meat from an early age. If your children really feel passionately about this subject, just try to explain that to them. They might not like it, but chicken, beef and pork are essential for their wellbeing. This is partly why many muslim families suffer from similar issues. However, they don’t eat pork for religious reasons, and so you should never try to alter their view.

Well ladies, now you know why your kids need to eat meat as they grow, I hope you’ll be more inclined to pick up a few steaks next time you’re at the supermarket. Opting to become vegetarian is certainly a noble move, but it’s not something children should be involved with until they’re at least make it into high school. Just take some time to educate them about the true facts concerning meat, and they should come round to your way of thinking. At the end of the day, most children are pretty rational thinkers from around the age of ten, which is why you should always try to be open and honest with them.

Thanks for reading guys, and I’ll catch you back here for more interesting and informative articles very soon!


4 Common Operations A Parent Might Need After The Age Of 50


Flickr photograph

Nobody like to dwell on the fact that we’re all getting older, but sometimes it’s good to take a look at some of the most common health issues faced to prepare ourselves for what’s in store. Luckily, most people manage to drift through life without anything substantial occurring, but there are still a lot of minor problems we might encounter in the future. With this in mind, today I’m going to give you some basic information about 4 of the most common operations a parent might need to endure after the age of 50. Like it or not, our bodies do start to deteriorate around this time, and you’ll be far more relaxed if you know what’s coming.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to scare you, and you may be lucky enough to never have to go under the knife to keep your health. I just want to put the information out there in the hope of educating people who are interested. So, give me your full concentration, and we’ll get started…

Knee Replacement

Although doctors and fitness experts tell you that exercising regularly is a good idea (and they’re right), this does take a heavy toll on your joints, which is why so many people end up having to undergo a knee replacement at some point during their 50s and 60s. Don’t stress too much though. While this might have been a major operation in the past, advancements in procedures and prosthetics have made it far less complex, and so far fewer complications occur.

Hip Replacement

This operation is slightly more complex, and so you’ll have to take it easy for a long time if your doctor recommends you need a new hip. My grandmother actually underwent this procedure a few years ago, and although she recovered perfectly, she was unable to walk or get out of bed for around ten weeks. Considering this, you’ll definitely want to make lots of preparations before going under the knife, as your family will need to rally round to ensure you’re okay.

Cataracts Removal

When you reach a certain age, your eyes will also begin to cause you problems. Most people just wake up one morning with blurry vision, and this then starts to become worse over the course of a few weeks. If you notice this happening to you, it’s vital that you consult a doctor at the earliest possible opportunity, as there is a chance the issue can be dealt with without the need for an operation if you catch it early enough.

Varicose Veins Removal

You’ve probably noticed that some mature people have veins that stick out a little more than most of us. This is a condition known as varicose veins, and it affects around 1 in 6 people at some point in their lives. It’s never a good idea to travel on an aeroplane if you suffer from this, and the operation to have them removed could knock you off your feet for a few days, but other than that it’s nothing to worry about.

So, having read about some of the most common operations parents over the age of 50 might have to endure, you should be better prepared for any eventuality.

See you soon!



7 Thoughtful Christening Gift Ideas

If you’ve got a christening coming up, then chances are you’re racking your brain trying to think of an appropriate present to give to the little one. Presents at christenings are a big tradition, and although some presents are given commonly at christenings they never get old or boring. Here are 7 thoughtful christening gift ideas to give you a nudge in the right direction:


Image Credit: Flickr

A Trinket Box

A trinket box specially designed for babies can make great keepsakes. They can store little things in here that mean a lot to them, and they’ll likely always have it on display. Not only is this a great keepsake, it’s also something they can really use.

Christening Silver

Christening silver comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes, from spoons to mugs. It’s tradition for a baby to receive christening silver and china on their baptism day, usually in the form of a plate and spoon set that they’ll never use. It’s still a lovely keepsake to give though, especially when you get it personalised!

A Savings Account

You could always start a savings account for the baby and leave some money in there ready for the parents to continue. If you’re close to the baby, you could even consider adding more money in there every day on their birthday. Other members of the family or friends might want to add to it too if they don’t know what to contribute to the day, so make sure you mention it beforehand.

A Personalised Picture

A personalised picture is something the child can keep on their bedroom wall until they grow older when it can be put in a safe place, if they like. This can have their name, birthday, christening date, and any other details you’d like to include on it. If you’re feeling creative you can always make this yourself, but there are plenty of companies who will do it for you.

A Cosy Baby Blanket

Cosy baby blankets are a popular choice, as they can stay in the baby’s cot with them until they outgrow it, when it can be put into storage as a keepsake. You can either buy one of these and have it personalised, or create one yourself if you’re handy with a pair of knitting needles.

A Photo Album

A photo album filled with photos from baby’s first year and onwards is always a thoughtful gift, especially if there’s space in there to add a few captions next to certain photographs.

A Star

This is an unusual gift that should stand out amongst others. Obviously you can’t capture a star and give it to the baby, but you can name a star after them and tell them via a pack that gets delivered in the post. You can also do this with plots of land and flowers!

These christening gift ideas are perfect for a baby’s big day, and although they might not appreciate them much at the moment, they definitely will when they grow up!


Do Your Kids Need A New Hobby? Maybe They Should Start A Collection

Porcelain dolls

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We all know how important it can be to have a hobby when you’re a child, and so today we’re going to take a look at some ideas you might consider pushing on your own little ones. Obviously, they’ll need to show some interest themselves to ensure they stick at them, but so long as you seem really enthusiastic about the suggestion, they’re likely to pick up on this and follow suit. With that in mind, give me your full attention for the next four or five minutes, and I’ll try to present you some with really cool ideas your children are bound to love. The best thing about them? They won’t cost the earth, and they could keep the smallest members of your family occupied and out of trouble.

 Porcelain Dolls

Admittedly, some kids do find porcelain dolls to be a little spooky, but so long as you don’t let them watch horror films where these toys come to life (and there are a lot of those), they probably won’t pick up on some of the fears others have. At the end of the day, there are millions of different dolls to choose from, and many of them do become highly sought after collectable items after a few years. So, buy a decent glass cabinet and start filling it up!


There probably aren’t many girls who want to start collecting stamps, but for whatever reason, boys have always loved it. The Royal Mail is constantly releasing new versions, special limited edition designs and more, so it does actually become quite interesting when you get involved. Just make sure you buy a decent quality presentation case or folder, as you’ll want them to stay in tip top condition.

Model Cars

Again, this one is usually appealing to boys, but some girls also show an interest, so don’t completely rule it out for your little princess. Whether they like formula one models or touring cars, you’ll have no trouble finding some really good quality ones online or in your local shopping centre. Just remember that you’ll need to keep the boxes unopened if you want them to be worth anything in the future.


Most people start a keyring collection without consciously meaning to, and this is because you end up buying things like this when you go on holiday. Even so, kids do seem to really like stuff of this nature, and keyrings are never going to cost you more than around £5, so this hobby certainly won’t break the bank. Also, if you tell all your relatives about it, they might even bring your children keyrings back from different destinations when they’ve been on holiday, and this will be exciting for them.

Now we’ve reached the end of this short article, I hope you’ve managed to find something suitable for your children to collect. If you haven’t, I at least hope you’ve gained the inspiration needed to think of the perfect hobby.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, I’ll see you soon!



The Top Secret Delights for a Busy Mum Taking a Break


Every Mum in the world knows that the time they have to themselves is incredibly precious. This is why it is always a great idea to have some ideas to hand for any chances you get to do something pleasant. The following are some of my top secret delights.  

Play Some Bingo

I remember that when my Mum used to play bingo it was a huge social event for her. She would get her hair done, look out her best clothes and have a huge smile on her face. I was always interested in seeing what her bingo hall was like but when I finally went once I left a bit disappointed. Thankfully, the option to play some bingo on the internet now lets me enjoy the same sort of fun my Mum had without leaving home.  I probably even spend less money than she did, as I always play free bingo at I haven’t yet enjoyed a big win but for the very little money I have spent it is working out to be an incredibly cheap hobby. I recently started playing on my mobile phone as well, so I can grab a few minutes wherever I am able to get some action.

Watch a DVD

When I lived alone I used to watch films all the time. Once the family came along I had to stop this hobby for a while. Now, I always have one or two DVDs tucked away waiting for the chance to watch them. Just last night I settled down with The Book Thief after everyone else was tucked up in bed. It meant a later night than usual but it was worth it to see a magical movie and have some quality time on my own. If you haven’t had time to watch a DVD in the last few months then you should make the time to do so. It is a perfect way to transport yourself to a different world and forward about the stresses and strains of family life for a while.

Looking at Photos

If there is one thing which might be even better than the other two I’ve already mentioned it is looking at old photos of our family. At the moment, we have a mixture of old printed photos and digital ones. I’ve been scanning the old ones and then putting them all onto a cloud storage site. It really is amazing to look back at these old pictures and see how much the kids have changed in a relatively short period of time. Some of the pictures can instantly transport me back in time just by looking at them. There are some from our first ever family holiday at the seaside and I can almost taste the salt in my mouth and feel the sun on my back when I look at them. Sifting through these priceless images also gives me a wonderful incentive to keep on taking more family snaps in the future.


Which Are The Safest Cars Around Today For Young Families?

When you and your partner are traveling on the road with kids today, it’s important you have the safest car possible to ensure everyone will be fine should the worst occur. You obviously don’t want to spend a lot of time considering “what if”, but it’s still vital you select a model renowned for having lots of safety features and a good reputation. With this in mind, I’m going to spend the next couple of minutes drawing your attention towards those vehicles I consider to fit this category. You don’t have to take my advice, but I can state with total certainty your children will thank you for it in the long run.


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You see; most people simply look for aesthetics when purchasing a new car, but you need to spend a lot of time performing research online to find the best model to suit your needs. It’s not always about looks you know! In fact, sometimes it’s the less than appealing models that offer the greatest security. So, give me your full attention, and we’ll begin.

Mini Cooper

The first Mini Coopers were released in the 1960s, and while they were incredibly stylish, they weren’t really that safe for passengers. Luckily, the manufacturer decided to relaunch this model a few years ago, and since then it has become one of the safest and most reliable cars on the road. You aren’t going to break the land speed record, and it’s probably not a good idea to spend too long in the outside lane on motorways. Still, if you’re looking for something smooth and sophisticated with enough airbags to keep everyone from injury, you could do a lot worse than contacting Jardine Motors or another reputable dealership to discuss your requirements.

Renault Scenic

If you like the look of larger cars like the Ford Galaxy, but you want something that actually makes you look cool, the Renault Scenic should be at the top of your list of considerations. This model also comes as an automatic, which means people with leg injuries or joint problems like arthritis can still get around without causing themselves too much pain. Also, this is a brilliant family car, and the seats fold down and can be removed completely if needs be when picking up flat pack furniture or heading away to the beach with a lot of equipment in tow. In addition, this model is rarely involved in serious accidents, as the safety features are so well made.

Peugeot 308

Lastly, families that want something a little smaller might like to take a quick look at the Peugeot 308. While there are obviously many other models available from this manufacturer, this one is by far the most popular amongst people who regularly carry children. Maybe it’s the sleek design, or perhaps it’s because there are airbags fitted in the back of the driver and passenger seat – who knows? Regardless of the reasoning though, there can be no denying that this is a seriously safe car that all responsible parents should consider.

Well folks, now you know about the safest family cars available on the market today, I hope you’ll be more inclined to avoid opting for a model because of looks, and instead choose one based on performance and safety.

See you next time!



How Parents Can Treat Their Kids for Doing Well at School

All parents want their children to do well at school, so when your child actually knuckles down and gets some great work done it can be a joyous occasion for all! A lot of parents choose to treat their children for doing well at school, but what exactly can you do for them? Here are some great ideas that are sure to get them motivated to continue to do well:


Image Credit: Flickr

Take them to The Zoo

Kids of all ages love the zoo, but young children get especially excited when it’s time to see the monkeys, giraffes, lions, and other cool animals. You shouldn’t underestimate the power of your local zoo if you want your child to revise hard, do their homework, or get a good result in a test/exam.

Buy Tickets to a Theme Park

Tickets to a local theme park will have your child lying awake with excitement for weeks, so it’s probably best you don’t tell them you’re planning on doing this too far in advance, or they probably won’t do that well at school! Taking them for a fun filled day out on all of their favourite rides and rollercoasters should encourage them to keep up the good work too!

Invite Their Friends Round

If you don’t have the kind of money to take them to the zoo or a theme park, perhaps you could invite a few of their friends round and put on a few snacks. You could leave them to play to their own devices, or you could turn it into a full on party for all the kids, with food, games, and a bounce house! You can find jumpers for sale online to make this get together extra fun for the kids.

Buy Them A Small Toy

Perhaps your child has had their eye on a small toy for a while. You could always treat them to something little to say you’re proud of them for doing so well! However, I don’t advise buying them something too large as they might begin to expect this from you every time they get a good mark or score.

Cook Them Their Favourite Meal

If you’re on a real budget, you can still treat your child to their favourite meal one dinner time. Forget the chicken, potatoes, and veg (unless this is their favourite meal), and offer to cook them anything they like; spaghetti bolognese, burger and chips, or even pizza! Make their wish your command.

Take Them to Their Favourite Restaurant

On the other hand, you could treat your child to dinner at their favourite restaurant. This shouldn’t cost too much money, as kids usually like places like Mcdonalds and KFC as far as restaurants go. Either way, they’ll love being treated and should continue to try hard in their studies!

Although it’s nice to treat your child when they do well at something, I do give a few words of caution. Treating them too often for what should be considered as ‘normal behaviour’ can make them grow to expect certain things for nothing. Only treat your child on extra special occasions and it should have the desired effect!


What to do when your child damages or loses a tooth


As they grow up your little ones will be seeking out more and more adventurous activities. They’ll also start eating foods that haven’t received your seal of approval. Both bring with them an increased risk of damaging or losing teeth. Knowing what to do when this happens could mean the difference between rescuing your child’s tooth or losing it and it could spare a whole lot of unnecessary pain. Below is some advice from the Cuffley Village Dental Practice.

It’s probably the furthest thing on your mind when you’re outdoors having a good time with your family, but as the summer approaches so too does an increased risk of broken and damaged teeth. Spending more time outdoors, participating in adventure activities and crunching down on hard candies and tough foods could all end up in a chipped, broken or knocked-out tooth.

Dental emergencies don’t keep office hours and finding an emergency dentist can take time, even when you are at home. Taking the right actions and doing so swiftly can help you save the tooth or in the least, minimise unnecessary pain.

1. If it’s a milk tooth, it’s probably fine.

Since milk teeth are destined to fall out eventually, if your child has a milk tooth knocked out, it’s not necessary to have the tooth reinserted. So no need to panic. A lost tooth chart is a handy way of tracking tooth loss and will help you work out which teeth are permanent. But do check for facial fractures and bruising. And remember to dispatch the tooth fairy!

2. Preserve a knocked-out permanent tooth. Then get to the dentist. Fast.

If a permanent tooth gets knocked out at the root there is a good chance a dentist can reinsert it-provided you act quickly: Pick up the tooth by the crown. Do not touch the roots. Gently rinse the tooth and if possible, try to place it back in the socket. Get your child to gently bite down on it. If you can’t put the tooth back in their mouth, keep it in a glass of milk. Get hold of a dentist immediately and bring the tooth along. Ice any bruising.

3. A small chip in a permanent tooth is not an emergency.

If your child has lost a small part of their permanent tooth and it doesn’t hurt, you should be able to make a normal dentists appointment and seek dental treatment once you’re at home. A dentist will usually either smooth the tooth down or add some filling. In the meantime, you could use an emery board to file down any jagged edges that might hurt the tongue, lip or mouth.

4. A fractured permanent tooth requires immediate attention. 

A fractured tooth can be extremely painful. When a tooth is cracked, the inside of the tooth is usually damaged and a dentist may be unable to save it. A dentist will need to assess whether the tooth pulp is damaged which would require a root canal treatment. Alternatively, a crown or bridge may be necessary.

While you find an emergency dentist and make your way to their practice, you can protect the sore tooth with gum or some moulded candle wax. Place any broken off fragments in milk.

5. Stay calm.

Whether you’re a child, teen or adult, damaging a tooth can be traumatic. It’s important not to panic and give your child the reassurance that everything is under control: You will get them to an emergency dentist as soon as possible and regardless of the damage, they still have the prospect of a perfect healthy smile ahead of them.