The Importance of Diet During the IVF Process

IVF treatments are advancing at a rapid rate and there are now many different fertility treatments available. However, even the best surgery can have limited results if a rigorous diet is not adopted.

Your diet can have an impact on the success of fertility treatments. There have been numerous studies in recent years that have explored the impact of diet and there is now a plethora of information available on the best types of food to eat and those to avoid.

For example, there was a recent report from Harvard which found that have avocados can have a massive impact on the potential for success. Avocados have shown to triple the chances of success in some cases. It’s therefore definitely worth it to add avocados to your daily diet as the results are conclusive.

The Harvard report also found that nuts and olives can also impact fertility.  These 3 types of foods can be called ‘the holy trinity’ when it comes to getting pregnant and any woman trying to get pregnant should have avocados, nuts and olives on a daily basis.

There are also some foods to avoid. Any saturated fats should be eliminated from the diet, especially red meat and butter. Fizzy drinks and sugars are also not recommended.

Coffee is another drink which should be avoided. There was a report back in 2012 which found that a woman who drinks 5 cups of coffee or more a day significantly lessens her chances of IVF success. So either eliminate it completely or limit it to a maximum of 2 cups a day.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also recommended, so make sure you get your 5-a-day. Greens are also important and things like broccoli and cabbage are also good foods to eat.

Drinking plenty of water to help keep you dehydrated can also have an indirect impact on the success of IVF. If need be, it’s better to get advice from a fertility expert on what types of foods and exercise need to be undertaken to increase the chances of success.

Also avoid junk food as this can lead to you putting on weight which can significantly impact the chances of IVF treatment.

A good way to measure your current state is by finding out your BMI. Overweight women are also less likely to have successful treatments thus it’s important to be in good physical shape prior to treatment. The healthier you are the more chance of success you will have with the treatment.

Most of the suggestions in this article will be common knowledge to most people and we all know what foods are healthy and those that are not. A balanced diet is key to success and you should consult a medical expert if you need more advice about this.